Dear colleagues,

2022 ended with hope. The world adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, ushering in a new era for action. UEBT was on the ground in Montreal at COP15 witnessing the historic moment and representing our members.   

The year showed a clear reckoning for biodiversity. UEBT’s 2022 Biodiversity Barometer showed that species extinction is now the second most urgent environmental concern for people after climate change, and biodiversity awareness is at its highest ever: 72% or more in all the countries we sampled, compared to only 29% or more across countries sampled in 2009.   

Our new publication called “Sourcing Botanicals with Respect” delivered concrete evidence drawn from 100+ UEBT field assessments on the importance of these raw materials for biodiversity and local communities. The report also illuminated what challenges remain that companies need to address in botanicals production.   

Within our growing non-profit, we saw a smooth transition in Board leadership from our long-time Board President Bas Schneiders to Eder Ramos of Symrise. Perhaps most significant, 2022 was the year that UEBT’s membership grew at its fastest rate in the history of the organisation, rising almost 70% in one year and reaching 131 members at the end of 2022. 

With these clear signs, we know that forward-thinking companies are realising the need to scale up responsible sourcing across all value and supply chains in alignment with the global biodiversity framework. We are proud to be their partners in this. We invite our members to celebrate their journey so far, but to also intensify positive actions in supply chains in the coming years. We are here to set the standard for this – to guide, to validate, and to inform.   

All of us working on ethical sourcing must do more than we ever thought we could, or would. People and nature are depending on business to do what is difficult but necessary. This means clients and purchasers needing to pay more fairly, companies investing to conserve and regenerate where possible, supporting small and medium suppliers, managing risks to reduce harm across entire portfolios, and boldly reversing unsustainable supply chains where they still exist.  

The efforts will be significant, but business resilience and the resilience of the communities and landscapes we source from, depend upon it.     

Read on about UEBT’s results during 2022. And know that we are honoured to work with you, our members and partners, for a world in which all people and biodiversity thrive. 


Eder Ramos, Board President

Rik Kutsch Lojenga, Executive Director


A growing association of committed companies

  • In 2022 we welcomed 53 new members – the most in any one year - from countries as diverse as Australia, Brazil, Croatia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, Turkey, Spain, Sudan and the United States. Total members at the end of 2022 was 131 .

  • This included brands such as Chanel, Plantopia, Creed, Pernod Ricard and Jägermeister.

  • 2022 was the first time since the global pandemic that our membership returned for an in-person conference taking place in Grasse in October. More than 250 persons took part, 150 in person and an additional 100 following the livestream.

53 new members in 2022

See all members here.

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Encouraging and validating positive impact 

UEBT experts on the ground in 2022 (video)

The core of UEBT’s work to support improvements in ethical sourcing is based in the field.  UEBT experts conduct assessments all over the world to verify or certify that ingredients from biodiversity are sourced with respect.  In 2021, we began to formalize our field verification programme that complements our certification work.  In verification, UEBT assesses companies’ supply chains using the UEBT standard and can pinpoint strengths and weaknesses for continuous improvement.

Sebastian Sieben, CEO of MartinBauer Europe

“Preserving nature is one of our core sustainability pillars at MartinBauer and while nature’s treasures are vast, they are not inexhaustible.  This is why MartinBauer has certification partners such as the UEBT and Rainforest Alliance to check our adherence to sustainability standards.  We were the first manufacturer to offer a full line of herbal and fruit teas holding the Rainforest Alliance (formerly UTZ) label, and currently 70+ ingredients and supply chains hold UEBT or UEBT/Rainforest Alliance certification.”

  • UEBT experts led 139 field verifications – primarily in the beauty and personal care sector. UEBT helped companies to pinpoint gaps and develop improvement plans. The growth of our verification work shows companies have a continued strong interest in this practical and comprehensive approach to assurance.

  • Our Herbs & Spices certification programme with Rainforest Alliance (RA) grew significantly in 2022, seeing 95+ certificates issued (including for 13 vanilla companies). These certificates correspond to more than 170 local suppliers in compliance with strict UEBT/RA environmental and social requirements.


Biodiversity hotspots in the world and UEBT verifications of botanicals 


Facilitating cost effective due diligence on ethical sourcing   

  • We launched our new Responsible Sourcing Risk Database with 119 botanical profiles available. The database is providing information tailored to the particular social, environmental and economic risks related to botanicals, with risk scores provided for both the ingredient and the country level. We began to issue risk alerts via email to members.

Risk Database

  • Risk data for specialty natural raw materials

  • To respond to due diligence requirements and membership commitments

  • Online database providing scores and information on risks:

    • at the country level

    • at the natural raw material level

Risk categories
  • Human and workers' rights
  • Biodiversity conservation and restoration
  • Cultivation and wild collection practices for sustainable use
  • Community well-being and local development
  • We continued to develop, pilot test and improve our Supplier Due Diligence Platform for launch in 2023.

UEBT Risk Database Information factsheet

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Promoting the work of UEBT and our members 

UEBT Biodiversity Barometer 2022

Sourcing botanicals with respect for people & biodiversity

  • We issued two flagship publications – the Biodiversity Barometer and a new report called “Sourcing Botanicals with Respect.” The Barometer was don in partnership with Harris Interactive in 2022 and delivered a worldwide survey that took a deep dive into 6,000 consumers' biodiversity aspirations and expectations. More than 14 questions were asked, making the 2022 survey the most extensive research undertaken since UEBT’s beginnings.
  • The Sourcing Botanicals report showed the importance of botanicals for livelihoods and ecosystems and shared the top challenges UEBT had found in botanicals supply chains from more than 100 field assessments over 4 years working with members and partners.

  • The UEBT certification label expanded in the market – with 4 brands using the label on- or off-pack, and 18 companies using the label in client-facing (B2B) communications.


Our reach – facts and figures 

As of the writing of this annual report (April 2023), UEBT members are improving sourcing practices in more than 850 supply chains in 71 countries.  

Check out our M&E report here

Chloé and Francesca evaluating honey in Calabria, Italy

UEBT membership over the years


Laura evaluating Copoazú in Peru.

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Beauty brands blossom in UEBT 

UEBT has grown significantly in the beauty sector, now working with 15 global beauty brands as of the writing of this annual report.


Victoria Cushing

KMI Brands/Plantopia Product Director

“Plantopia’s UEBT membership helps us measure and demonstrate some of our commitments to people and planet…Our three year action plan reflects not only our commitment to making these changes in our own business, but also Plantopia’s ambition to drive change within this area of our industry.  Like UEBT, Plantopia believes it is all about progress not perfection and making continual changes to peoples’ lives, habits and businesses.” Read the full interview with Victoria here.

Plantopia has been a UEBT member since 2022



For People   

Our report on botanicals in 2022 showed that unfair pay is still a significant challenge in botanicals supply chains.  UEBT Board member Shamiso Mungwashu, an expert on the wild collection of indigenous plant species for use in beauty, food and other sectors, spoke in Grasse, France at the UEBT Conference about the realities of dire poverty in sourcing communities, from informal piece work, and what 'minimum' wage really is like for a family, to how the drive to feed one's family puts pressure on our forests and the biodiversity we rely on. She implored her colleagues sourcing these ingredients to talk with their company suppliers at source, and with communities, to find out what they are paid, and to have the conversations to find out the situation in the production areas with regards to livelihoods. This 'soul to soul' talk was, to many, the most eye-opening part of the conference.  

Shamiso in the field. Learn more about fair prices and living wage here.

Shamiso Mungwashu on local realities in Zimbabwe and the role of living wages and living income. UEBT Conference 2022

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For Biodiversity

UEBT works with companies on Biodiversity Action Plans that incorporate actions to improve biodiversity within a supply chain.  In 2022, this work increased significantly with 31 newly in place and approved during the year, adding to the previous 21 in place (during 2020-2021) for a total of 52 in place and approved.  

Sustainable use of wild species

To amplify important information for companies about the regeneration of wild species that was published in a ground breaking report in June 2022 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), UEBT held a Digital Dialogue with one of the lead authors and a co-chair of the report. 170 people tuned in live and another 90+ watched the recording of this important webinar.


A variety of case studies on Biodiversity Action Plans are available on on our resources page



Find UEBT’s statement of financial position for the year 2021 below.


* UEBT was retroactively registered for VAT from 2017 in December 2022


UEBT board of Directors

NameOrganisationFunctionEnd of term
Eder RamosSymriseBoard President2023
Stéphanie Paquin-JalouxFirmenichBoard Vice President2023
Andrew WilsonExternal StakeholderBoard Treasurer2022
Bas SchneidersExternal StakeholderTechnical Advisor to the Board2024
Britta Wyss BisangExternal StakeholderBoard member2025
Cyrille DoumecqLons site, part of Seppic groupBoard member2023
Elisa AragonNelixiaBoard member2024
Mark DavisNatura & CoBoard member2024
Pierre Charlier de ChilyAldiviaBoard member2023
Rachel WynbergExternal StakeholderBoard member2025
Sebastian SiebenMartin BauerBoard member2023
Shamiso MungwashuExternal StakeholderBoard member2025
Ulrike WeberWeledaBoard member2025
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UEBT team


Figure shows the UEBT team as of 31 December, 2022. See the whole team here.