UEBT certification bodies
UEBT relies on independent auditors from qualified certification bodies to conduct impartial assessments in our certification programmes.
For companies seeking certification
If you have applied for certification and are ready to schedule your independent, third-party certification audit, below is the list of UEBT accredited certification bodies you may contact for scheduling . If you have questions about this list or about any of the steps required for certification, write to us at certification@uebt.org
Name | Programme | Countries | Contact | |
ABCert AG | UEBT and UEBT/RA from July 2021 | Germany, Italy | Linda Schuster | info@abcert.de |
Africert Limited | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria | Dr. Geofrey Ombiro | internalreviewer@africertlimited.co.ke |
CERES - CERtification of Environmental Standards | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Albania, Egypt, Germany, South Africa, Sudan, Turkey | Marko Tarandek | marko.tarandek@ceres-cert.de |
China Standard Conformity Assessment Co., Ltd. (CSCA) | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | China | Qiao Yazhen | qiaoyzh@cscac.com.cn |
Control Union Services SAC | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru | Paula Ochoa | pochoa@controlunion.com |
Control union South Africa | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | South Africa | Wilmie Cronje | wcronje@controlunion.com |
Ecocert | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Brazil, Chile, Croatia, France, Guatemala, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey | Hadrien Bagnis | hbagnis@ecocert.com |
IBD Certifications | UEBT | Brazil | Danilo Borges | danilo@ibd.com.br |
IMO Control | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solom Island, Sri Lanka | Vasudeza | vasu@imocontrol.in |
Indocert | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | India, Myanmar | Sherin Varghese | coordinator.sustainability@indocert.org |
Preferred by Nature | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Albania, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Egypt, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Morocco, Spain, Sudan, Turkey, United States, Vietnam | Marko Stancic | mstancic@preferredbynature.org |
Sustainable Development Services (SDS) | UEBT and UEBT/Rainforest Alliance | Indonesia, Thailand | Fauzi Kuswantoro | fauzi@sdscertified.com |
For certification bodies
UEBT requires a high level of quality for its auditing partners and this is only achievable through frequent involvement in UEBT audits that allows individuals to become competent in the UEBT standard and requirements. Therefore, UEBT is unable to accommodate new auditing partners currently.
For information, contact us at certfication@uebt.org