Making UEBT claims
The process to make a claim about UEBT
The UEBT certification label and UEBT authorized text claims show that you are working to source ingredients with respect for people and biodiversity.
The types of claims you can make depend on whether you have obtained certification or verification for one or more ingredients; or whether you have chain of custody approval if you are sourcing a certified or verified ingredient. The UEBT certification label can never be used in the UEBT verification programme.
UEBT marks
The UEBT member logo (left) and the UEBT certification label (right)
UEBT member logo - no product-related claims
UEBT members can make claims of ‘UEBT member’ and use the UEBT membership logo in off-pack, not product-related, general communications. These claims need to focus on the commitments UEBT members make at the level of the company, but cannot be related to specific ingredients or products. Likewise, the UEBT membership logo can never be used alongside other certification labels, as it must never give the impression that a product or an ingredient is assured by UEBT or that this logo is a certification label.
The UEBT corporate logo (without the word ‘member’ included) may only be used by UEBT.
UEBT certification label
The UEBT certification label is for UEBT certification only. It is never used for UEBT verification, which is a different programme. The UEBT certification label is for consumer and client messaging and may be used in product-related communications or client and consumer marketing upon approval from UEBT and subject to applicable rules of use. It is exclusively for certificate holders or chain of custody approval holders in the certification programmes only. Several rules apply for its use including where it may be placed, what it must include, and whether it can be used on or off pack. Approval is always required including for client-facing communications. Write to us at to learn more and to obtain your specific label you can use.
UEBT verification claims - text claims only
UEBT offers field verification of ingredient supply chains. This is not a certification scheme and the assessments are done by UEBT to pinpoint strengths and opportunities for improvement. In the UEBT verification programme, only text claims are allowed. These are for general communications (not product-related) or in business-to-business communications. Several rules apply including placement, what types of communications are allowed, and what must be included. Approval is always required for use of these text claims. Write to us at to learn more.
Claims and labelling rules
All of UEBT’s rules for membership, certification and verification claims are contained in our Claims and Labelling Policy. Before you make any claim, you need to check this policy to see the rules for the programme you are engaged in, and then obtain a claim approval for all verification or certification claims. For membership claims, if you follow the rules in the policy, use the authorized messages without any alterations, and have a valid UEBT membership, you may obtain your membership logo and use it accordingly without a written approval from UEBT. Remember that UEBT membership claims are never allowed related to any products or ingredients, or in any product-related communications.
The policy document includes sections on these types of different UEBT claims:
UEBT member - membership claims
UEBT certificate holder – certification claims that may use a label
UEBT verification attestation holder – verification claims (text claims only)
UEBT chain of custody approval holder – certification or verification claims
Please note that:
The UEBT certification label is only for certification and not allowed for verification.
The UEBT certification label is only allowed in conjunction with UEBT membership. Non-members may be able to make text claims about sourcing UEBT certified ingredients if they first obtain chain of custody approval.
Storytelling about UEBT projects, UEBT advisory services, or other UEBT-related sourcing messages that deviate from these claims rules or authorized membership messages, always require prior approval.
UEBT Claims and Labelling Rules
Licensing agreement for brands making consumer-facing claims
UEBT requires all brands using a UEBT claim in any consumer-facing channel, on or off pack, product or not product related, to submit the claim for approval.
In addition, we require a licensing agreement to be signed by brands that are planning to make a UEBT claim that is used for communications or marketing that is:
Consumer-facing (in any channel, digital or print, on or off pack)
About UEBT assurance
Licensing fees for claims may be applicable. A licensing fee is charged to the brand that uses the UEBT name, text claim and/or certification label to inform its consumers about UEBT assurance.
Learn more about claims fees here.
Submit your claim for approval
Submit your claim for approval through our Claim Approval Form.
Write to us at for any further questions.
Chain of custody approval
Have you already spoken to us about your situation and know you require a chain of custody approval before you submit your claims request? Read the Chain of Custody Approval Requirements and access the application in this document. Chain of custody is required for companies that buy, trade or process UEBT certified or verified natural raw materials and wish to make claims of ‘UEBT certified’ or ‘UEBT verified’ for these ingredients in their communications channels. To make claims, these entities must receive chain of custody approval from UEBT and follow the UEBT Claims and Labelling Policy.
Reporting misuse of claims
If you wish to report to UEBT any potential, suspected misuse of the UEBT marks and/or claims, please write to us at These reports will be handled following the UEBT Complaints and Appeals Procedure.
We welcome stakeholder feedback at anytime on UEBT claims including if clients or consumers find them clear, accurate and credible. We also work with our multistakeholders Board and commission occasional consumer research when we develop new claims. Have a comment? Write to us at