Overview of UEBT fees

UEBT ingredient certification
UEBT verification
UEBT / Rainforest Alliance certification
Due diligence tools

Membership fees (2025)

UEBT members pay an annual membership fee. Fees are based on the annual turn-over of the member organisation.

Turnover (€)Membership fees
0 - 2 million € 725
2 million - 5 million € 1'425
5 million - 10 million € 2'125
10 million - 20 million € 4'275
20 million - 50 million € 7'200
50 million - 75 million € 10'650
75 million - 100 million € 14'175
100 million - 250 million € 17'600
250 million - 500 million € 21'350
500 million - 1 billion € 24'825
1 billion - 1,5 billion € 27'525
1.5 billion - 2 billion € 35'500
2 billion and higher € 42'725


  • Turnover is defined as annual sales minus all discounts and sales taxes.

  • A one-time membership application fee is charged upon submission of the membership application. The fee is 50% of the membership fee.

  • Membership annual fees are payable from the moment that provisional UEBT membership is granted.

  • Farms and producer associations, such as cooperatives, with an annual turnover of less than 1.9 million Euros are exempt from membership and application fees.

  • Exceptions apply for companies seeking certification. There is a UEBT integrated membership + certification approach (see next section).

  • Membership fees are non-refundable and apply to all organisations that are UEBT member on the 1st of January of that year.

Exceptions for UEBT integrated membership + certification approach

For companies that are seeking certification and that fall in the scope of the UEBT integrated membership + certification approach, as defined by the UEBT Secretariat, the following exceptions apply:

  • For organisations seeking certification that are directly responsible for cultivation or wild collection practices (these organisations are generally located in sourcing areas), the integrated membership + certification approach may apply. In this integrated approach, the membership assessment is conducted as part of, and at the same time as, the certification audit.  There is a membership fee but no application fee.

  • In this approach, the annual membership fees are based on the turnover of the certified ingredient(s) and not on the turnover of the entire organisation. Once calculated, the same table above is used to lookup the applicable annual membership fee.

  • For farms and producer associations such as cooperatives, membership is optional if the organisation’s annual turnover is less than 1.9 million Euros. If these farms or associations opt for UEBT membership, the integrated membership + certification process applies, but there is no membership fee nor application fee.

  • For organisations seeking certification that are not directly responsible for cultivation or wild collection practices (e.g. manufacturers or brands buying from traders or not working in the sourcing area), the standard membership process applies and membership fees are based on the turnover of the member organisation.


Write to us at membershipenquiries@uebt.org


UEBT ingredient verification fees

To support the functioning of the UEBT verification system two types of participation fees exist for ingredient verification throughout the supply chain:

  • a verification fee (charged to attestation holder)

  • a chain of custody fee (charged to supply chain actors that trade or process the UEBT verified ingredient)

Chain of Custody (ChoC) fee

UEBT members Non-members
ChoC feeFree€ 2'400 ChoC fee
+ an additional € 240 per ingredient
  • Chain of custody approval is only required if claims of ‘UEBT verified’ are made to clients  (client or consumer facing - B2B or B2C)

  • Annual fee, invoiced when the ChoC approval is issued or renewed

  • Approval and reporting requirements apply for any company that buys and sells ingredients as ‘UEBT verified’

  • See ‘UEBT Claims and Labelling Policy’ for allowed claims related to UEBT verification. UEBT members and non-members have different claims options for verification. Typical UEBT verified text claims are, for example: ‘UEBT verified ethically sourced shea nut’ or ‘UEBT verified responsibly sourced shea nut’.


Write to us at claims@uebt.org


Overview of UEBT ingredient certification fees for 2023

To support the functioning of the UEBT certification system, three different types of participation fees exist for ingredient certification throughout the supply chain:

  • An ingredient certification fee (charged to certificate holder)

  • a chain of custody fee (charged to supply chain actors that trade or process the UEBT certified ingredient)

  • a licensing fee (charged to the brand that uses the UEBT name, text claim and/or certification label to inform its consumers about UEBT certification)

Ingredient certification fee

Ingredient certification fee
Per organisation at source (OaS) – charged to certificate holder in OECD countries€ 600
(Max € 60'000)
Per organisation at source (OaS) – charged to certificate holder in other countries€ 300
(Max € 12'000)
  • Annual fee, invoiced when the certificate is issued/renewed

  • OaS are the organisations directly responsible for cultivation or collection of the natural raw material.

  • The ingredient certification fee is an administrative cost and is not the same as the costs for the actual third-party audit that should be budgeted separately by the potential certificate holder and which is paid to the UEBT-accredited certification body chosen to carry out the audit.

Chain of Custody (ChoC) fee

UEBT members Non-members
ChoC feeFree€ 2'400
+ € 240 for each additional ingredient
  • Chain of Custody approval is only required if claims of ‘UEBT certified’ are made to clients  (B2B or B2C)

  • Annual fee, invoiced when the ChoC approval is issued or renewed

  • Approval and reporting requirements apply for any company that buys and sells ingredients as ‘UEBT certified’

Licensing fee (Consumer-facing claims only)

Type of claim UEBT Members Non-members
Corporate communication No fee € 1'375
Marketing communications See table below See table below
Turnover of marketed products Fees
0 - 999.999 No fee
1 - 4.9 million € 1'100
5 - 9.9 million € 2'750
10 - 49 million € 5'500
50 - 99 million € 11'000
100+ million € 22'000
  • See ‘UEBT Claims and Labelling Policy’ for allowed claims related to ingredient certification. UEBT members and non-members have different claim and labelling options.

  • Licensing fees are payable from the moment when the claim is approved and charged annually while ‘UEBT certified’ claims are made.

  • Licensing fees for claims used for marketing a product are based on the aggregated turn-over of the products covered by the claims.

    Example: Joyous Brand markets ‘UEBT certified Echinacea’ for four products in its Evening Allure (EA) Skin Care Line. The licensing fee is charge based on the total turnover of the four products that make the UEBT claim in the EA product line. Joyous Brand estimates that the annual turnover is EUR 20 million for each of the four products. The total licensing fee will be EUR 11,000 (20+20+20+20 = 80 million aggregated turnover = one licensing fee of 11,000 EUR). Claims are made in multiple media channels for the products, but the licensing fee is paid once per year.

  • Corporate communication: non-product specific web pages, sustainability reports, presentation slides, etc.
  • Marketing communications: product-related communications like advertisements, media releases, sales sheet, brochures, videos, content on social or other media, etc.


Write to us at claims@uebt.org


UEBT and Rainforest Alliance Herbs & Spices Programme fees

Membership fees

Please check the UEBT membership fees section to see which membership fees apply to your organisation.

Certification & licensing fees

When claims are made of ‘certified’, a volume-based royalty is paid to Rainforest Alliance based on the volume of certified goods purchased.  Therefore, UEBT does not charge any certification or licensing fees payable to UEBT for the Herbs & Spices Programme. 

When certification claims related to ‘UEBT’ are made, such as when a certificate holder prefers to use the UEBT certification label or authorized UEBT text claims, the UEBT fees will apply.   


For the latest on the fees and royalties charged by Rainforest Alliance please visit the Rainforest Alliance’s Herbs and Spices page.


Write to us at herbsandspices@uebt.org


Due diligence tools

UEBT is developing practical due diligence tools to support companies in identifying and managing their natural raw material supply chain risks.

The following tools are available:

UEBT ABS due diligence database

A database with country specific legal requirements and practical guidance on ABS

UEBT responsible sourcing risk database

A database with country and ingredient sourcing risks for natural raw material supply chains

UEBT supply chain due diligence platform

A tool to map natural raw material supply chains risks by allowing suppliers to submit self-assessments of social and biodiversity sourcing risks.

Annual subscription - rates for members:

Annual subscription fees are based on the annual turn-over of the organisation

Turnover (€) ABS database
with helpdesk*
Risk database Supply chain
due diligence platform**
0 - 5 million € 1'100 € 1'100 € 2'200
5 - 50 million € 2'200 € 2'200 € 4'400
50 - 500 million € 3'300 € 3'300 € 8'250
500+ million € 5'500 € 5'500 € 13'750

*The ‘ABS database with helpdesk’ subscription includes additional support on ABS information in the database.

**As the Supply chain due diligence platform is running as a Beta version, the subscription fee for this tool for 2025 will be reduced to 50% of the price mentioned in the table

Package deals:

For UEBT member companies companies that subscribe for a full calendar year, the following discount applies:

  • 10% discount will be applied to due diligence tool subscription fees for subscribers to 2 tools

  • 20% discount will be applied to due diligence tool subscription fees for subscribers to 3 tools 

Annual subscription rates for non-members:

Annual subscription fees are based on the annual turn-over of the organisation

Turnover (€) ABS database
without helpdesk
ABS database
with helpdesk*
Risk database Supply chain
due diligence platform**
0 - 5 million € 1'650 € 2'200 € 2'200 € 4'400
5 - 50 million € 2'750 € 4'400 € 4'400 € 8'800
50 - 500 million € 3'750 € 6'600 € 6'600 €16'500
500+ million € 8'250 € 11'000 € 11'000 € 27'750

*The ‘ABS database with helpdesk’ subscription includes additional support on ABS information in the database.

**As the Supply chain due diligence platform is running as a Beta version, the subscription fee for this tool for 2025 will be reduced to 50% of the price mentioned in the table

Turnover (€) Max # of helpdesk hours included
0 - 5 million 2.5
5 - 50 million 5.0
50 - 500 million 7.5
500+ million 10.0

The subscriptions include the following number of users:

Turnover (€) Max number of users per tool**
0 - 5 million 1
5 - 50 million 1
50 - 500 million 3
500+ million 5

**Additional users can be added for € 50/€ 250 per additional user (member/non-member rate)


Write to us at due-diligence@uebt.org