
UEBT provides training on a variety of topics through our Learning Platform.  Some topics are available for specific stakeholders and others are available to all.  Each topic is presented in a series of short videos delivered by UEBT experts, followed by links to download more resources.

Learning platform – how to get started

It’s easy to get into the Learning Platform.  Click here to self-register.  The dashboard in the platform will show all modules available.  Enroll in the ones you are interested in. A UEBT staff member will be sent a message to approve your enrollment and you can start learning!

Topics available

TopicDescription Length
UEBT standardIntroducing UEBT, the standard, UEBT’s verification and certification solutions, a zoom into the principles including the usual challenges faced and the practices to address these challenges. 2-3 hours
Biodiversity requirements in the UEBT standard Diving into UEBT’s biodiversity requirements on conservation and sustainable use. Learn our criteria and indicators as well as aspects to consider in meeting these. UEBT tools that can help you. About 4 hours
Ingredient Certification Introducing the UEBT Ingredient Certification programme (including the UEBT/Rainforest Alliance Herbs & Spices programme), including the tools available and the process followed in certification audits. 2-3 hours
Rainforest Alliance requirements Herbs & Spices Learn about the Rainforest Alliance’s requirements that are part of the UEBT/Rainforest Alliance Herbs & Spices programme. About 1 hour

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Access and Benefit Sharing or

Biodiversity Action Plans?