Community well being and local development
Many local and indigenous communities around the world depend on biodiversity for their livelihoods. Through their practices and traditions, these groups also play a crucial role in conserving and regenerating biodiversity. As more than half of the world’s population lives in poverty, we must develop strategies to enable these groups to use and respect biodiversity as they pursue their livelihoods.
Enhancing companies’ contribution to local development
Through their sourcing practices, companies can contribute to community well being and local economic development. The UEBT standard contains the following good practices:
Companies and local producers engage in dialogue and pursue long-term partnerships based on trust, enhanced collaboration and broad benefits for all stakeholders.
Local producers receive equitable prices that cover the costs of implementing good practices and allow them to improve their quality of life and that of their communities.
Companies promote local efforts to provide additional support to the community such as medical services, education, etc.
Companies offer decent working conditions and wages, and respect human rights.
An example of shea nut collection in Burkina Faso
UEBT member company Agrifaso works with local communities collecting wild shea nut in Burkina Faso and strives to have a positive impact on local development. Agrifaso ensures the well-being of the local communities by providing the collectors, which are exclusively women, and their families with company-paid health and social insurance. They also invest in local projects including wells, solar panels and upgraded furniture and materials in village schools. Read more about shea nut collection in Burkina Faso.
“Respecting ethical principles means improving the rural Mexican landscape as well as providing employment opportunities so that local people find work within their communities and not leave their place of origin”