UEBT Certifications
Consumer awareness of biodiversity is at an all-time high. The public continues to also have high expectations that businesses demonstrate a genuine commitment to sourcing ingredients ethically.
UEBT certifies that botanicals are grown or collected in ways that respect people and biodiversity, in line with our global standard. Certification provides independent assurance that the ingredient was grown or collected following the good practices promoted in the standard.
UEBT certification is based on independent audits. UEBT offers two types of certification:
herbs and spices programme - third-party certification offered in partnership with Rainforest Alliance and using the Rainforest Alliance certification mark
ingredient certification programme - third-party certification for other botanicals and using the UEBT certification mark
Note: if you are looking for the UEBT field verification programme this is not a third-party certification scheme, but an improvement-focused programme, which does not permit any consumer-facing labels.