Standard and
Assurance Committee
The Standard and Assurance Committee includes representatives from companies that source, process or manufacture ingredients from biodiversity; environmental organisations that focus on biodiversity conservation; and civil society organisations that promote social causes or represent smallholders, workers or local communities. This committee oversees the UEBT standard-setting process and provides guidance on our assurance system.
Current committee members include:
Roberto Palmieri, Imaflora (Brazil) - chair
Mauro Costa, Natura (Brazil)
Gastón Vizcarra Kennedy, Candela (Peru)
Tobias Ludes, Global Nature Fund (Germany)
Shamiso Mungwashu, Fairtrade Support Network Zimbabwe, FSNZ (Zimbabwe)
Linda Pessler, Martin Bauer Group (Germany)
Pierre du Plessis, ABS CDI Initiative
Joelle Razafindrafito, Vanille DurableBermanevika (Madagascar)
Mathew Sebastian, Indocert (India)
UEBT is an ISEAL Code Compliant member
Our system has been independently evaluated against ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice––a globally-recognised framework for effective, credible sustainability systems. More information at