
UEBT’s work contributes to 94% of the SDGs.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action for business.

Sourcing with respect for people and biodiversity directly contributes to 8 of the SDGs and indirectly contributes to another 8. 

UEBT believes that the SDGs must be reached so that we can achieve our vision of a world in which people and biodiversity thrive. 

The implementation of the SDGs defines sustainable business practices. 

Here are a few examples:

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We support SDG 15 Life on land

…to halt biodiversity loss and promote the sustainable use of ecosystems. The UEBT Standard seeks to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity and promotes the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources.

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We support SDG 1 End to poverty in all its forms

…because we require fair and equitable sharing of benefits as well as company actions that contribute to local economic development.

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We support SDG 12 Sustainable consumption and production

…because of our focus on ethical sourcing of natural ingredients for a wide variety of consumer products.

UEBT and our partners are committed to the SDGs.

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